AGA LAB Amsterdam 2024
AGA LAB Amsterdam is a print studio for artists, photographers, and designers. I was chosen as an Artist in Residence for the month of July where I focused on screen printing.
My project was about ecofeminism, the belief that women and animals are oppressed in similar ways as a result of a male dominated society, a topic I explored in college for my Bachelor’s thesis. This time I explored it visually and typographically with language and imagery.
My project was about ecofeminism, the belief that women and animals are oppressed in similar ways as a result of a male dominated society, a topic I explored in college for my Bachelor’s thesis. This time I explored it visually and typographically with language and imagery.

Their Common Oppression: A Patriarchal World
The residency finished with an exhibition of the work by all four residents at De Bouwput Gallery.
I chose to create a “meat shop” setup for my display to put my prints in context. I had images of meat beside PETA campaigns and my own prints surrounding them promoting ‘fresh meat’ and ‘large breasts’. My own take on the PETA campaign ‘I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur’ was displayed on the wall above, replacing ‘go naked’ with ‘be respected’. I included an extra element of a newspaper layout as well. I used newspaper headlines from journals of the Feminists for Animal Rights group, who were active in the 90’s, as a homage to their work.